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Underwriters Laboratories Course

UL, the acronym for Underwriters Laboratories, is a well-known certification body for those who want to sell electric motors in the USA and many other countries.

The Mission of this organisation – Working for a Safer World – expresses the value that the UL brand means certified products and represents the will to direct the consumer towards goods and services with greater guarantees of quality and safety.

The award of UL certification is based on precise and detailed tests, which are the strictest in the industry – for this reason, the approval process in the past was often experienced by the company’s technicians with dread and subjection and without experiencing it as a source of growth and value acquisition.

Today, the distance between UL and companies has shortened while maintaining a very high prestige of certification, because businesses have realised that the value of their quality, if recognised, can be a winning weapon in international competition, while UL labs have become a shared place of growth and not just examination.

With a view to being always ready to respond to customer requests and to support technological advancement, Miotti recently organised a full immersion course for its business and technical staff in order to provide a solid support for customers who intend to take on UL approval.

The course was attended by experts in UL Italy, who gave a real lesson on Insulation Systems and Electric Motor Specifications, with reference to the major standards including UL 1446 and UL 1004.

We are positive that the UL brand is one of the tools available to our customers to emerge and stand out from their international competitors, so today our technicians and dealers are ready to offer certified components and specialised technical support.

Contact us! A UL certification, tackled with the right support, can be an important moment of growth and enhancement of your products!

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