Why Miotti

We guarantee the quality and the reliability of our products

Our warehouse can become your warehouse

We offer a personalized product to suit your requirements

We help you to get the most out of our components that are installed in your products

You can choose from a wide range of immediately available products

We have been at your side for over 60 years and we will also be there in the future

Ongoing training

Every year we choose to invest in training because we believe in people and promoting their qualities.

Proven experience in the sector and ongoing training means that our specialized technicians are able to guarantee the effectiveness of our solutions.

We focus our training on standards, certifications, safety, the environment, technological innovation, energy saving and new products.


Transversal competences

Our components are essential for the development of efficient electric machines. It is essential that they be applied correctly to ensure that the end product operates properly.

Miotti has a long experience and a proven track record in the fields of temperature control, impregnation and encapsulation processes and in wiring systems for electric machines.

The interactions between the various issues are analysed with competence in order to propose the best synergies.



Miotti is an ISO 9001 certified company and recognized for its compliance with standards of excellence by constantly and effectively applying a quality system that involves business management processes and which ensure customer satisfaction.


Miotti products can be approved according to the international standards UL, CSA, IEC, VDE and CQC as well as others. Our customer focus also distinguishes us in this area: Miotti in fact, makes its technical expertise available by supporting its customers throughout the process of creating and assembling the final product with the aim of passing the approval tests.


Miotti promotes environmentally friendly technological progress. It therefore selects products that have a low environmental impact and provides its customers, upon request, with the relative certifications.